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American Eagle: Up to 80% Off Jeans

  • Ships free with $75 order or add $7.95
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Shop American Eagle and save up to 80% on men's and women's jeans and pants. For example, these AE Athletic Fit Jeans in the color Medium Tinted Indigo drop from $59.95 to $9.99. Similar jeans sell elsewhere for $50 or more. Additionally, the men's AE Flex Pleated Loose Easy Pants, originally $54.95, are now $9.99. Sign in to your free Real Rewards account for an extra 10% off, bringing the price down to $8.99. These pants are available in two colors. We expect the lowest priced styles to sell quickly, and we suggest to filter styles by your size. Shipping is free on orders of $75 or more, or it adds $7.95.

Posted by Chandler F. 28 days ago

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