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Save up to 40%-65% on this selection of wedding guest dresses at JCPenney. Some styles are as marked and others require you to apply the code NEWGOALS during checkout. Shipping is free on orders of $75 or more. Otherwise, it adds $8.95. You can also choose free store pickup on orders of $25 or more. We found some new styles for fall, like this Melonie T Long Sleeve Floral Maxi Dress which drops from $89 to $53.40 with the NEWGOALS code. We also found discounts up to 65% on priced-as-marked clearance dress, this Clover and Sloane Sleeveless Sequin Midi Sheath Dress Evening Gown which drops from $130 to $45.49. We found similar dresses selling for $100 elsewhere.
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