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Extra 25% Off Hey Dude Sale Styles

  • Ships free with $50 order or add $8.99
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Save an extra 25% off shoes and boots for adults and kids when you apply code LASTCALL during checkout at Hey Dude. That's on top of prices already discounted as much as 50%. Some exclusions apply. The pictured women's these Wendy Sparkle Bow Shoes drop from $74.99 to $44.99 to $33.75 in all three colors. Other stores sell these shoes for $56 or more. For men, these Wally Octoberfest Shoes drop from $69.99 to $34.99 to $26.25 with the code. Shipping is free when you spend $50. Otherwise, it adds $8.99. Sizes are limited in some styles, so shop early for the best selection. Please note that only certain colors in some styles are on sale.

Posted by Dana N. 1 month ago

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