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Up to 70% Off Macy's New Deals Sale

  • Ships free at $25 with account or add $10.95
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Save up to 70% on apparel, jewelry, shoes, and more at Macy's. We're finding the lowest prices of the season on styles like this women's Sebby Sherpa Snap-Front Jacket. Originally $130, it falls to $32.50, and we found it going for $60 at another major retailer. Be sure to use the coupon code DEALS during checkout on select styles to get an extra 20% off during checkout. For example, petite sweaters, originally listed for as much as $69.50, drop to $16.99 or less with the code. Log into your free Macy's Rewards account to get free shipping at $25. Otherwise shipping adds $10.95 to orders below $49.

Posted by Julie V. 30 days ago