Brad’s Deals is a free, ad-supported service

Commenting Policy

Boring but Necessary Disclaimers:

Commenters are expected to abide by the site’s official Comment Policy as outlined in this document. Brad’s Deals is not responsible for the content of any comments posted by non-employees. However, Brad’s Deals reserves the right to edit or remove any comment that violates the Comment Policy, as well as to permanently block any repeat offenders at their discretion without warning. Comments posted by readers do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Brad’s Deals.

You are welcome to:

  • Ask and answer questions.
  • Add your thoughts. We love getting additional insight from our readers!
  • Tell us something isn’t working. You know, so we can fix it. Or tell us that it’s working great. In which case, yay! You’re welcome!
  • Disagree with us. We’re totally cool with debate and different points of view. We promise we won’t be mad!
  • Disagree with other commenters. Just keep it civil.

We do not allow:

  • Obscene, indecent, or profane language. If you’re mad enough to swear, you probably shouldn’t comment right now.
  • Meanness. We strive to maintain an inclusive environment. Name calling, insults, threats, defamatory statements, and hate speech of any kind have no place on Brad’s Deals. There’s a big difference between saying “I disagree with Bob” and “Bob is an idiot.” We’re cool with the first. We’ll remove the second. Even if we secretly agree with you that Bob is kind of a jerk sometimes. So if you feel compelled to insult any human being, whether it’s us, another commenter, or a public figure – don’t.
  • Sensitive personal information. This includes but is not limited to phone numbers, home addresses, ID numbers, and passwords–whether your own or anyone else’s. Readers sometime leave email addresses in comments, where they’re exposed to spammers and other ne’er-do-wells. If you need to get in touch with us privately, we’d prefer that you message us on Facebook or send an email to
  • Spam comments and gratuitous links. We don’t delete all links left in comments, but if it’s not adding value to the conversation, we’re probably going to take it down.
  • Personal referral links. Hey, we love earning free rides and sample boxes as much as you do, but when you drop your referral code on our site, that is just spamming.
  • Excessively dangerous advice. For example, recommending that someone light a match to test for a gas leak. If we believe it would put people in serious danger, we’re going to take it down.
  • Deceitful intentions. Sometimes we catch people creating a bunch of accounts to leave fake reviews, post spam, or even just to make it look like there’s a conversation happening when there’s not. So heads up: We don’t tolerate shenanigans, and yes, we know when you’re not keeping it real.

The list above covers most of the ways that comments can and do go wrong. It’s not exhaustive, however, so if we decide to edit or delete a comment for a reason not listed, we’ll be sure to post a follow-up explaining our rationale. (We’ll do this most of the time anyway.)

In Short:

  • Be polite.
  • Be thoughtful.
  • Don't swear.

Suggested Reading Material:

The Rules of Polite Discourse - Wikipedia