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Shari's Berries Deals

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Shari's Berries Coupons

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Save at Shari's Berries - Free Shipping With Celebrations Passport

Expires Feb 28
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Shari's Berries Coupon: 15% off Student Discount

Expires Feb 28
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15% off with Email Sign Up at Shari's Berries

Expires Feb 28
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About Shari's Berries

Shari’s Berries is an online retailer that specializes in hand-dipped chocolate treats and other gift assortments for every occasion.

Chocolate-covered fruit, berries and cookies are artfully packaged and delivered to recipients across the country. Shari’s Berries will even help you remember to order gifts for upcoming events, when you sign up for their email Reminder Service. Their Business Services offer suggestions and options for corporate giving as well as incentive programs for employees and volume discounts.

For the convenience of shoppers, Shari’s Berries combines forces with its sister stores ProFlowers, Cherry Moon Farms and Red Envelope to allow you to order select items from these stores from their site. So, everything you need to send the perfect gift is right here.

Shari’s Berries coupons are, perhaps, the greatest gift of all, because they save you money when you shop the online store. Enter your Shari’s Berries coupon codes the next time you’re ready to purchase a unique and thoughtful gift for someone special.