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How to Use Coupons and Codes

What are some Zulily Coupon Tips & Tricks?

The Zulily website regularly posts sales and promotions info including current coupon codes. Sign up for the Zulily email newsletter to receive information about future promotions.

How do you get Free Shipping at Zulily?

Be on the lookout for Brad's Deals' exclusive Zulily free shipping codes! They're only available for a limited time, and you'll only find them here.

Otherwise, shipping starts at $5.99 at Zulily, with free shipping for subsequent orders over the next two days.

Zulily Price Match Policy

Zulily does not currently have a price matching policy.

What does Zulily sell?

Zulily sells clothing, toys, and home products.

What brands does Zulily carry?

Zulily carries products from a variety of popular brands including ALEX, Bellino, Melissa & Doug, Star wars, Jockey, Nautica, Eileen West, Yoki, and Levi's.

Does Zulily have a Loyalty Program?

Sign up to become a member of Zulily to receive emails about upcoming sales.

What is Zulily's Return Policy?

Most items are available for returns within 30 days. There is an $8.95 shipping and handling fee for return requests.

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