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12 Bottles of Wine $80 Shipped

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This 12-Bottle Pack of Wines drops from $179.99 to $79.99 with free shipping at Naked Wines when you shop through our link. This breaks down to just $6.67 per bottle, which is the lowest price we could find based on similar bottles of wine. Choose from reds, whites, or a mix of both. To access this deal, you may have to enter your email address and birthday. After purchasing this welcome pack you will be enrolled in a reoccurring Naked Wines Angel membership for $40 a month to spend on wine whenever you like. However, you can edit your settings, skip, or cancel at any time. Please note that the wines do not ship to the following states: Alaska, Delaware, Mississippi, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Utah.

Posted by Christina R. 2 months ago

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