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Double-Size Dog Box $35 for Subscribers

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First-time customers can shop through our link to double the size of their first dog toy and treat subscription box at Super Chewer when signing up for a 6-month or 12-month subscription. Plus get free shipping on all future orders. That means your first box includes four fluff-free toys and four all-natural treat bags. That's the best deal we can find anywhere. Answer a few questions about your dog before selecting your plan. Each additional box comes with two toys and two all-natural treat bags. When signing up for a 12-month subscription, each monthly box is $29, and with the six-month subscription option, the boxes are $35 each. Please note that you will be billed automatically each month for the remainder of your subscription. All plans are automatically renewed on the third day of the month following the subscription’s end date, so be sure to cancel in advance if you do not wish to renew your subscription.

Posted by Julie V. 21 days ago

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