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Kohl's Clearance under $10

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This selection of apparel, home goods, beauty, and more drops to $10 or less at This women's Croft & Barrow Extra Soft V-Neck Sweater drops from $24.99 to $9.99. That's the lowest price we found anywhere by about $5 based on similar styles. Choose the sweater in Mustard, Light Grey Heather, Red Silk, or Flynn Navy to get this price. Also, these women's Sonoma Goods for Life Norna Faux-Fur Sandal Slippers drop from $22 to $8.80 in the Pink color. You'd spend $12 or more elsewhere for similar ones. Shipping is free at $49, or buy online and select free store pickup. Otherwise, shipping adds $8.95.

Posted by Dana N. 19 days ago

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