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Verizon iPhone 16 Bundle $170 w/ Trade-In

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Get Apple iPhone 16 Pro, an Apple iPad (10th Generation), and an Apple Watch Series 10 or SE—all for just $169.95—when you trade-in any device in any condition and purchase the phone with an Unlimited Ultimate plan at Verizon. This offer will bring your monthly device payments to just $4.71 per month. A data plan will be required for both the watch and the iPad. However, with this deal, you'll save a total of $1,830 over the 36-month payment plan. Shipping is free.

How to Get It

  • Purchase a iPhone 16 Pro with an installment plan.
  • Select "Trade in and save" ont he product page.
  • Choose "customize" on the Apple iPad (10th Generation) to add it to your order.
  • Choose "customize" on either the Apple Watch Series 10 or the Apple Watch SE to add one of the watches to your order.
  • Open a new line and choose the Unlimited Ultimate plan for the iPhone.
  • Add a data plan for the iPad and the Apple Watch.
Posted by Michael A. 23 days ago