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Macy's: Sale & Clearance under $10

  • Ships free at $25 with account or add $10.95
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Shop from over 2,900 home goods, garments, accessories, and more, which drop to $10 or less at The pictured Charter Club Embossed Plush Reversible Sherpa Throw drops from $60 to $8.96 in the Silver color. That's a savings of 85%, and we've never seen it priced lower. It measures 50" x 60" and has earned an average 4.8 out of 5 stars from over 200 reviewers. Also, this juniors' Self Esteem Lace Smocked Tube Top drops from $24 to $9.99. You'd easily spend $14 or more elsewhere for a similar top. Log into your free Macy's Rewards account to get free shipping at $25. Otherwise, shipping adds $10.95 on orders below $49. Some merchandise is final sale, so no returns, exchanges, or price adjustments are allowed.

Posted by Dana N. 7 months ago

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