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Editor Insights
Save up to 50% off small appliances, silverware, cookware, and more during the kitchen sale at Woot. Plus, save an extra $10 off orders of $50 or more with code EXTRA10 at checkout. We found this Dash Deluxe Air Fryer that falls from $99.99 to $59.99 to $49.99 with the code. You'll pay full price elsewhere. We also found this Goodful All-in-One Nonstick Pot that falls from $39.99 to $19.99. That's the best price by at least $14. Choose from a large selection of various kitchen goods. Sign in to an Amazon Prime account for free shipping. Otherwise, it adds $6.
How to Get It
Save $10 off orders of $50 or more when you apply code EXTRA10 at checkout.
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