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Up to 70% + 20% Off Select Vera Bradley

  • Ships free with $50 order or add $10
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Shop Vera Bradley Outlet and sve up to 70% on bags and accessories. Then automatically receive an extra 20% off select patterns during checkout. For example, this XL Travel Duffel in the Iris Orchid color, automatically drops from $195 to $54.99 to $44 after adding it to your cart. That's the lowest price we've ever seen on this bag by $6. You can also get the coordinating Luggage Tag in Iris Orchid or the Retro Ribbons pattern for $4. Spend $50 to get free shipping, or it adds $10 otherwise. Please note that the extra discount only applies to the styles on the landing pages we link to.

Posted by Julie V. 1 month ago

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